
gear and people in philadelphia that can help you out


philadelphia Component Library

The Philadelphia Component Library is a library of common and not-so-common electronics components that can be bought cheaply (or free). Its aim is to reduce one of the barriers to entry for building electronics, particularly audio electronics, which is the shipping and other costs associated with acquiring components. Although simple and commonly-used components like ICs, resistors, capacitors and potentiometers are relatively cheap, they often come with a shipping cost that almost doubles the price when ordered in small batches. Additionally, shipping times of a few days to a few weeks often make it difficult to prototype quickly or continue working after mistaken orders. By ordering in larger batches as well as providing fast local pickup, the Component Library aims to provide cheap or free and quick access to components in electronics projects and repairs for those seeking to learn. Contact SMC to learn more about picking up parts!

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an (audio equipment repair, restoration and care service), (synth and software workshop),
(art & technology consultancy), and (traveling computer exorcism provider).
If you need your "stuff" {stuff} [guitar effects, synths, relationship to technology, cables, amps, other sound making electronics, computers] fixed or cared for, I can help you with that.

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Bell Tone Synth Works LLC is an electronic music gear repair workshop based in Philadelphia, PA specializing in repairs and restorations of vintage* synthesizers. We also work on vintage sequencers and drum machines, electronic organs and other keyboards, and vintage electric pianos (Rhodes, Wurlitzer, etc).

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Audio Engineer at Headroom Studios in Fishtown in addition to a home recording studio. Hire this genius to record your next album.

Collective gear for rental

For a very low cost (sliding scale based on both our needs), you can rent some of our collective gear! Please email us at, DM us on Instagram @sound_museum_collective, or text 203-727-4047 if you are interested. We can do pick up or delivery.

Modular Synth

Modular Synth

Zoom H4nPro

Zoom H4nPro